Football Quiz

Casino Bonus Offers
- £160
- £200
- £1000
- 10%
- £800
- £200
- £100
- £150
- £150
- £125
- £500
- £100
- £200
- £150
- £175
- £100
- £150

Fans of football should send up a cheer when they discover the fun and profits to be gained from JPM Interactive’s “Football Quiz”—an online marriage of pub quizzes and football trivia that takes place on a virtual pitch. The object is to score goals by answering multiple-choice general knowledge and football-related questions with real cash rewards going to the winners.
The Football Quiz display resembles a stadium with noisy crowds gathered in the grandstands at the top of the screen, advertising surrounding the pitch and goals at either end. The default Stake in £1.00 and clicking on the green “Play” button will start the game. Almost immediately, two full sides of players will take the field, viewed from overhead, with a flashing circle around the one that controls the ball.
Also appearing on the screen are coloured boxes indicating various quiz categories, such as A to Z, Football, People & Places, Pop Music, Pot Luck, Science & Nature, Showbiz, Sport and World Cup. Each correct answer passes the ball to another member of the player’s team and advances the player’s marker along the scrolling points bar toward a cash prize at the top of the screen. Once a sufficient number of passes have been made, a shot on goal becomes available and extra points are awarded for a score. More goals mean bigger prizes.
Each time a quiz category is selected, a related multiple-choice question appears along with a timer that counts down from 10 seconds. Clicking on the right answer will cause the ball to be passed and the points bar marker to advance. Failure to answer the question within the time limit or the selection of an incorrect answer causes a “life” to be lost.
As shown at the top left corner of the screen, each game begins with four lives and ends if all of them are lost. Another way for the game to end is when the marker on the points bar reaches a prize level; the player then has the option to “Collect” the amount won so far and end the game or else to risk it all for greater rewards by clicking on “Continue.”
At the top right corner of the display, three blue bonus cards can be seen. Each of them may be played once only during the game. The first is “Sub” for “substitution.” If the player does not like the quiz categories offered, clicking on Sub will substitute one of them for a different randomly selected category. If Sub is clicked while a question is already active, then another question from the same category will replace it.
The second bonus card is “Long Pass.” This allows the player to pass the ball further up the field, thus reducing the number of questions needed to score a goal. And the third bonus card is “Tackle.” If the player’s side has lost possession, it is possible to tackle the opponent and regain possession by answering the next question without the risk of losing a life.
Football Quiz also has a “Live Jackpot” function. As quiz categories are offered, some of them will feature “Gold Cup” symbols. Correctly answering a question from one of these categories earns a trophy. Collecting five trophies wins the Live Jackpot, the value of which can be seen along with the number of Gold Cups yet to be claimed in the upper left corner of the screen.
Once a cash prize level or the Live Jackpot has been won, a special blue “Collect” button will appear that the upper left corner of the screen. It can be used to cash out anytime the player has possession and before the next quiz category is selected. When the player loses possession, random questions are asked and self-selection of categories is not available. Only a correct answer or the use of the Tackle bonus can be used to regain control.
Published on: 19/05/2013