Game Show Hi-Lo

Casino Bonus Offers
- £160
- £200
- £1000
- 10%
- £800
- £200
- £100
- £150
- £150
- £125
- £500
- £100
- £200
- £150
- £175
- £100
- £150

In the game known as “Game Show Hi-Lo,” the process of drawing cards randomly from a deck has been combined with what appears to be a television game show format. When the screen opens, organ music sounds as an introduction and a large game board can be seen in the middle of the screen. To the left of the game board is a smiling illustrated TV host with slick grey hair, wearing a brown suit, yellow shirt and red tie. He stands in back of a podium bearing the game’s logo and a spotlight shines down behind him to illuminate the game board.
To the right of the game board is the host’s youthful female assistant, with her red hair in a pony tail and wearing red shoes, red wrist wraps and a shoulder-less red dress that reaches down to her ankles, but with a slit on the left side all the way up to her hip, exposing a comely leg. She stands right in the middle of a spotlight beam, glancing sideways at the game board.
The layout of the game board is quite simple—15 cards have been placed face down in three rows of five each. The very first card in the upper left corner has been turned over to reveal a 2 of hearts. The player will attempt to predict, one by one, whether the next card in succession will be higher, lower or the same as the one most recently revealed. Additionally, there are bonuses available. A correct forecast on the fourth card earns a 5% bonus, on the seventh card it is worth 10% and on the eleventh card it pays 25% in additional funds. One more 10% bonus is offered on the 14th card, too.
To begin a game of Game Show Hi-Lo, the player must first select a stake to wager. This is accomplished by using the +/- toggles associated with the “Select Stake” controls in the lower right portion of the game board. Available amounts range from £1 to £25. The value will display in the “Stake” indicator at the centre of the controls area above the circular purple “Start” button.
Before clicking on Start, the player has one other choice to make—whether to start with the 2 of hearts as the first card or to use the +/- toggles for “Choose Start Card” on the left side of the controls to change its value. Most players will leave the 2 of hearts as it is, because the next card has a high likelihood of being higher. However, increasing the value of the start card will also increase the value of the payout upon success, so an argument can be made for taking a bit of risk at the outset. This is the only opportunity the player has to change a card value during the game.
One the Stake and start card have been settled, the player clicks on Start to begin the game. A message flashes across the bottom of the game board reading “Will it be higher, lower or the same?” The odds for each of these choices appear next to respective toggles for “Higher,” “Same” and “Lower” on the left side of the controls area. As soon as an outcome has been selected, the spotlights will dim leaving only the game board lit. The next card in order will rotate, accompanied by a drum roll, and then reveal the result.
If the selection turns out to be a loser, the sounds of a disappointed studio audience will be heard and “Game Over” will appear in the message area below the board. The Stake will be deducted from the funds shown in the player’s “Balance” at the top right of the screen, and a circular purple “Play Again” button will show in the controls area. Clicking on Play Again will queue the organ music and return the board to its original starting state.
However if the player’s prediction is correct, the lights will come up, the host will turn his head and wink, the studio audience will applaud and the assistant will blow heart-shaped kisses to the player. The stake will be increased by the amount of the winnings and the player has the option to “Collect” the accumulated amount or to play on by selecting another outcome, Higher, Lower or the Same. It is possible to Collect and return to the original starting state after any win.
Published on: 12/03/2013