Monopoly on a Roll

Casino Bonus Offers
- £160
- £200
- £1000
- 10%
- £800
- £200
- £100
- £150
- £150
- £125
- £500
- £100
- £200
- £150
- £175
- £100
- £150

Following the Stock Market Crash of 1929, Charles B. Darrow lost his job. He had been the sales representative for an engineering company, but in the depths of the Great Depression, nobody was hiring, so Darrow made a living doing odd jobs, from walking dogs and repairing irons to making jigsaw puzzles he could sell.
While his wife was pregnant with their second child in 1934, Darrow reminisced about the good times before the crash, when he and the missus had taken a trip to Atlantic City. He clearly recalled the names of the streets and decided he would make a real estate game based on buying and selling Atlantic City property. The result was a board game he named “Monopoly.”
In early 1935, Darrow sold the rights to Monopoly to a toy manufacturer called Parker Brothers. In all the years since then, the game has gone through a number of iterations and variations, such as London landmarks in place of U.S. streets, but no other game has outsold the original. It is arguably the world’s most successful board game since chess.
Now it is possible to experience all of the excitement of this iconic invention as a fixed odds arcade game at online casinos like Bet365. Known as “Monopoly on a Roll,” it recreates the dice action, board movement, payouts and special bonuses of the popular game, but with real cash winnings instead of play money.
The game design is exceedingly familiar. The Monopoly board takes up most of the screen, with “Go” at the lower left corner and 15 other properties spread out clockwise around the board. The names have been changed slightly from the original, but the colours and emblems look very much the same, from the Electric Company, Chance and sky blue Euston Road on the left to Jail, orange Bow, Marlborough and Vine streets plus Free Parking across the top, and then Strand, Fleet Street and Trafalgar Square in red on the right. All of these properties can be reached by rolling the dice for totals 2~12.
Across the bottom of the board are the properties that take at least two rolls or a bonus to reach—Go to Jail, Waterworks and the dark blue Park Lane and Mayfair. The odds associated with each property are written on their faces, as are the odds for “blocks” of colours wagered on as a group. The player may bet directly on property by selecting a currency denomination at the bottom of the screen from among £1, £5, £25 or £100, and then clicking on the lot desired. The maximum bet is £100 per property.
When all of the bets have been placed, the total stake appears in the “Bet” counter at the lower left corner of the screen. Clicking on the yellow “Roll” button in the lower right corner will cause Mr. Monopoly on the left side to throw two dice. The Dog Market will then jump onto the board at Go and advance the corresponding number of properties. If the marker lands on a property that has been backed with a wager, the winning amount will be displayed above Mr. Monopoly’s head and in the “Paid” counter at the lower left.
As in the original game of Monopoly, rolling “Doubles” (the same value on both dice) earns an extra roll up to three rolls in total. If three Doubles are rolled, the “Get out of Jail” Bonus is initiated with the chance to roll Doubles once more for a cash multiplier of the bet. Landing on Free Parking wins a random cash prize, and landing on Go collects 3X times the total bet. Once Go has been passed, all cash awards are doubled.
Published on: 19/05/2013